• john.philip@icwgroup.org

  • 9967362398

About us


ICW stands for Inter- Continental Workshops, an organization (Based in Mumbai, India) that believes in 100% Work ethics & uncompromising Integrity. We maintain a high level of honesty & transparency in all matters. We treat others with respect and believe that there is dignity to every ethical moral work we do. Hence, we do not substitute anything as menial work. We hope and strive to be the best in the industry always seeking to improve and learning from our mistakes.

We will make tremendous progress in industrial development, build up an organized network of infrastructure, technologically and scientifically our progress will be enormous. We believe that work culture has to be meaningful and useful to the members. We believe that in struggle and strife there is growth. We learn to be instructed and also to contribute something worthwhile to our friends and fellow members.

“Don’t Stand and Stare, But Do and Dare”. The foundation of every nation is the education of its youth, So ICW trains the youth and experienced likewise through seminars and workshops projects to reach the zenith of glory.

We are positive our inclusion will help harness the resources now available with group members. The plan is to explore, investigate and bring forth new systems which will harness growth of its employees within any organization.

With the qualities of sincerity, dedication, devotion and determination, ICW Group will go a long way in their motto keeping an aim, a goal and a target in life. We are striving to make our dream a reality. Optimism, Hope, Faith, Love and Determination all these words sum up ICW Group.

In Today’s world of glitz, glamour and blinding technology, ICW group tries to achieve special feats. How does this group stand apart from all the rest? How does this group stand as a separate entity in these competitive times? ICW group gives the answer to these questions through the zeal and commitment of our staff and team mates.


To be set apart as a unique company (A one point solution) providing intensive training to every manufacturing & service industry in India & abroad.


To deliver high performance systematic training on a regular basis undergirded by strong commitment to growth and development.